Current Appeal

If you could give the gift of health this Christmas to people who would otherwise have no access to it, would you? If you knew that an organization somewhere was providing needed health care services to people who otherwise would have no access, would you help?

For 100 years, the Maryknoll Sisters have done this and more in every corner of the world as part of their ministry. Guatemala has one of the lowest per capita government expenditures on health care in all of Latin America with many gravely suffering from diabetes, hypertension and other treatable conditions.

Sisters Jane Buellesbach and Mary Lou Daoust

Sisters Jane Buellesbach and Mary Lou Daoust (both physicians) have been on mission in Guatemala for 35 years! There, they have created Health Promoter Program, training a vast network of clinics and local volunteers to provide care and support in communities who desperately need medical care throughout San Marcos. These health promoters partner with the Sisters and expand their reach in multiple locations across Guatemala, creating sustainable systems for the future.


Sisters Jane with some of her patients!

YOUR GIFT will help provide health care to those in need this Christmas!


You can be sure that real lives will be improved as a direct result of your gift. 

Many Guatemalans are depending on YOUR HELP to receive life saving health care treatments! Even a small donation can save a life, and your generosity can literally work miracles—please give what you can!

May God bless you for your caring, your prayers and your support, and may He grant you a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

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