Giving Tuesday 2023

719 MILLION PEOPLE in the world are living on less than a $2.15 per day!

November 28, 2023 is Giving Tuesday and the Maryknoll Sisters need your help making God’s love visible around the world to those who need it most! What is Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after U.S. Thanksgiving in the United States. It is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season.

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The Maryknoll Sisters have been providing aid to those in dire situations in places such as:


Sister Norma Pocasangre, M.M. works with the underprivileged population of Chad who cannot afford the most basic needs such as food, clothing and medical care.


Sister Mary Vertucci, M.M. runs an all girls school in Tanzania called Emusoi Center where she provides a safe haven for young girls escaping childhood marriages.


In Peru, Sister Esperanza Principio, M.M. works with children and their parents who are impacted by poverty and hunger, or by an environment of abuse or neglect..

When you donate today, you can help the Maryknoll Sisters provide aid to children and families struggling to get by.

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Because of your generosity the Maryknoll Sisters are able to be a voice to the voiceless. We are deeply grateful to have you as our partner in mission, together we are saving lives.

Follow our Sisters Giving Tuesday social media campaign TODAY on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #GivingTuesdayMKS

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