As we flip our calendars, we look forward to 2024 – a new year full of hope and transformation. Reflecting on how the Maryknoll Sisters make God’s Love Visible worldwide, we are grateful to donors like you for helping Sisters bring hope through their missions to countless members of our “One Earth Community” in need.
Regardless of geography, our diverse missions share one purpose: to help those whose circumstances make it hard to see that God loves them.
Our Sisters share one thing in common: they depend upon the kindness and generosity of friends like you so their missions can make a difference amidst our world’s turmoil and suffering.
Obstacles are everywhere. The HOPE our Sisters bring helps them overcome these difficulties.
Sister Anastasia Lee on mission in Brazil.
Hope is breaking the vicious cycle of generational poverty. In São Paulo, Brazil, Brazilian and Haitian
children of the favelas (slums) and their mothers receive education and pastoral care so they can learn how to thrive and grow as a family. Building community spaces to help them improve their economic and social situations.
Hope is harnessing the power of art, which can heal a wounded spirit. In Hawaii and Texas, people gather in prayer groups where they can feel and express their emotions with movement and sacred dance performances. Playful puppets and origami frogs help children who are orphaned or separated from their parents when they arrive at the U.S. border.
Hope is empowering women to transform societies. For more than 25 years, in João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, women have counted on the Afya Women’s Holistic Healing Center for their physical, emotional, spiritual, and social health. Now, these women reach out beyond their community to do the same for others.
Everyone deserves to live and die with dignity. Despite the stigma of AIDS, terminal patients in Guatemala receive hospice care to live their remaining time with dignity and as little pain as possible.
Our Sisters in Chad are studying how language and mission can best help this North African country
with its poverty, political instability, and climate change challenges.
These are just a few of the missions our Sisters tend to in Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and the U.S. The commitment and sacrifice required of them are tremendous; God’s love and their desire to share it with others keeps them going. Our Sisters who have retired from the rigors of missions support others through their prayers, encouragement,
and ideas.
Our Sisters can only do it because God’s love also radiates from benefactors like you!
Sister Nena Heramil on mission in Panama.
YOUR GIFT will support the Maryknoll Sisters
missions, you act as a faithful minister of God’s
love—an essential link in the chain—without
which the chain itself would break!
We all need a special blessing of love, faith, and hope. All the Sisters wish this blessing for you now and in the New Year! We look forward to making 2024 a year of greater justice, health, and happiness.