Easter Appeal 2023

Easter is a time for celebration!

Lent begins the preparation for Easter, we are getting ready to celebrate the greatest gift of love ever given–Christ’s sacrifice to free us from death and bring new life to the world!

But in many parts of the world, people live in conditions that make it hard for them to see the love of God at work in their lives. The mission of the Maryknoll Sisters is to make God’s Love Visible to all communities around the world which are impoverished and marginalized.

Since 2014, Sister Hyun Jung Kim, MM has worked in East Timor, an island nation near Australia. She helps to run a community-based health clinic called Uma Ita Nian (“Our Home”).

The clinic offers in-house care, special education programs, rehabilitation workshops, and a mobile clinic which travels to remote villages. For many people in this impoverished country, this is the only health care they have access to. Uma Ita Nian also hosts a residential workshop where people become literate and acquire valuable skills and business knowledge.

Sister Hyun meets with a group of CBR (community-based rehabilitation) motivators at the clinic.


18 people from remote villages have been trained to help the clinic workers as CBR (community-based rehabilitation) motivators. This valuable training also allows local people to help their neighbors in need.

“One of our clients—a woman named Aliança who weighed only 90 lbs. and is paralyzed on the left side of her body—gave birth to a baby girl. The baby was tiny—only 4 lbs.—but healthy, thank God!” The baby’s name is Augustina. Sister Hyun Jung comments, “I am always excited to see her and curious to see how she is growing. I call Augustina ‘God’s grace.’”

This Easter, we should look to baby Augustina as a living example of God’s gift of new life shining forth even under the most difficult circumstances!

Sister Hyun with baby Augustina!

YOUR GIFT will help Sister Hyun and all of our Sisters continue to do their great mission work!

Lent is a time to give thanks for our blessings, and Easter is a time to celebrate them. You are one of those blessings, all of us Maryknoll Sisters want to express our deepest gratitude to you for the support… and may you receive many blessings back in return!

Download an Easter Prayer from the Maryknoll Sisters, click here!

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