March Appeal 2023

The central mission of the Maryknoll Sisters is to make God’s Love Visible to all we encounter as part of the One Earth Community. That means showing the poor and marginalized that God’s love is for them as much as it is for the comfortable and privileged.

Sister Anastasia Lee, MM works for that goal in the favelas (slums) of São Paulo, Brazil. The community where she is stationed has a large population of impoverished Brazilians and many Haitian immigrants.

“In my experience,” Sister Anastasia says, “the main challenge is to provide support so that residents can escape their current economic and social situation and leave the favela settlement. Sadly, most families in favelas have lived in this situation for generations… It is a vicious cycle.”

Sister Anastasia with the mothers and children from Pastoral da Crianca.

This task, of course, begins with helping families to become stronger and better informed. One way Sister and her colleagues do this is through the Pastoral da Criança (Pastoral Care for Children) program, which provides support for young children while also educating their mothers—many of whom are very young and inexperienced—in how to provide adequate care.

Work is also underway to build a new community space. This would provide a venue for educational programs, prayer meetings, women’s group meetings, etc.

A community garden is also planned, to serve as a source of food as well as cooperative community effort.

Because of the pandemic and economic conditions, both the Pastoral Care for Children program and the community space project are behind schedule and in jeopardy. Your support can help assure that they get back on track, and hundreds of people have the chance to see God’s love at work in their improving lives.


Sister Anastasia making a home visit.

YOUR GIFT will help provide aid to those in need in Brazil and around the world!


Sister tells us that the mission relies on the generosity of friends like you to continue these projects and look toward new ones!

Even a gift of $20 would buy school supplies for two children for a year, 20 liters of milk, or 12 dozen baby diapers. Whatever you can give, it will be truly impactful!

Sister Anastasia says. Being able to help our brothers and sisters in need is a blessing from God… and providing that help is a blessing from you! Thank you so much for your friendship!

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