Please Join Us in Prayer….

PeaceCandleIf you feel a week can’t go by without a seemingly-random shooting occurring somewhere in the United States, you’re not that far off. In the three weeks since May 23, there have been four acts of violence involving guns fired on people at public places like schools and stores–and the latest, at a place of God.

The latest episode, on Wednesday night, occurred at a church in Phoenix. A priest was shot and killed, and another priest is in critical condition, following the shooting attack at Mater Misericordiae Mission, a Catholic church in Phoenix.

Please join us in praying for the church victims in Arizona–and for those wounded and killed during senseless violence that occurred recently in California, Washington, and Oregon:


God of Creation, You are always with us!

Your will is true Peace for us….your people.

Give us your Vision of Peace!

Send us your Spirit to guide us in all our efforts to

bring peace and justice to humankind.

Inspire all who come together to search out – and those who enact the ways of Peace.

God of Love, let not disagreements disturb us.

Teach us to forgive, not tomorrow but today. Clear away any bitterness or anger.

Help us resist malice and hate.

Give us your love and compassion.

Through your Word, change our hearts.

Give us courage to open our hearts to all.
