Sister Noel met Pope Francis

The video above was taken yesterday, September 24, 2015.

Sister Noel was sent forth with support and prayers from the Maryknoll community, determined to meet Pope Francis yesterday. To ensure he will spot her she had a sign made in Italian that reads, “Hug Me Papa”. With excitement and gratitude, we are happy to report that her “bucket list” prayer has come true.

And so it happened. Sister Noel met Pope Francis


A few weeks ago we share with you Sister Noel’s journey of faith and her service to so many over the years. You can find that story of her journey here. The many prayers and blessings that have been sent her way over the past few weeks have provided her strength and comfort. We are so happy for her to have had the opportunity to meet Pope Francis and believe it is through the power of prayer that this miracle happened!

Thank you for supporting Sister Noel and all the Maryknoll Sisters thru your gifts and prayers. Sister Noel is always keeping those in our Maryknoll community in her prayers.